Becoming a real estate agent requires hard work and perseverance. You need to attend some hour-specific courses and appear in a licensing exam. Then the state issues a license to you. So, if you want to shift to a new state for some reason, you might wonder – “Can you transfer a real estate license from state to state?”

I ran into this exact situation a couple of years ago when I moved from Virginia to Florida. I found out that my license would not transfer from state to state and that I was required to take the Florida pre-licensing course from the beginning and that I did not get any credit for my license in Virginia or for my time being license. Had I been moving from another state, like Illinois for example, I would have only had to have taken a portion of the class. Each state varies and it can be difficult to track for your specific situation. That is why I took the time to write this post.

Some state allow you to transfer from state to state while others require you to take a portion or all of the classes to become qualified in the new state. A handful of states allow you to transfer with no additional classwork. The licensing reciprocity procedure differs from state to state considering that you are already trained and licensed in a particular state.

That’s why it’s important to know about reciprocity and portability laws.In this article, I will try to give you a clear-cut answer as to if you can transfer your real estate license to another state. To do that, I will explain real estate license reciprocity and portability explicitly. Understanding these two laws will help you to get an overview of the license transferring policy.

Can you Transfer Your Real Estate License?

You can transfer your real estate license depending on which state you are from and which state you are relocating to.

Working as a real estate agent requires a license issued by the state. You need to go through hours of training, studying, and examinations to attain the license. A specific state issues the license. If you want to switch your work location to another state from the one that issued your license, you will have to transfer your license.

Transferring your real estate license to another state isn’t as straightforward as it might sound. Some states allow you to practice with your original license with some restrictions while some states require you to gain a new license. But you don’t have to take the entire procedure all over again. Considering you already have a license; the latter states will cut you some slack.

As an established real estate agent, it’s paramount to know the ins and outs of reciprocity and portability laws of each state, or at least the ones you are planning to shift to.

Real Estate License Reciprocity

Real estate license reciprocity doesn’t mean that you can practice with a license from another state. Some states make it easy to get a new license for agents who already have a license from a different state. If you have a license from any state, you may or may not need to follow mainstream methods of obtaining license in a new state.

Real estate reciprocity law governs what procedures you need to follow to get a new license. You won’t have to start everything from scratch. As a current real estate agent, you just need to study the very basics regarding real estate laws in that state and take the licensing exam. The exceptions are no reciprocity states which I will get into later.

You should know that reciprocity laws aren’t always mutual. Suppose, state ‘A’ allows license reciprocity from state ‘B’. That doesn’t necessarily mean that state ‘B’ would allow license reciprocity from state ‘A’. All the states in the USA can be divided into three categories depending on the type of reciprocity they offer.

They are full reciprocity states, no reciprocity states, and partial reciprocity states. I will describe each of them below:

  • Full Reciprocity States

Full reciprocity states offer the most flexible laws for already licensed real estate agents. This means if you have a real estate agent license issued by any other state, you can bypass the elementary courses for becoming a real estate agent.

You just need to appear in the rudimentary real estate licensing exam without any other formalities. Just check the law of the state that issued your license and the law of the state that you are shifting to.

  • No Reciprocity States

No reciprocity states do not take kindly to any real estate agent, doesn’t matter where you are licensed to, how experienced you are, or whatever. They offer no leniency to a licensed agent. They don’t have any reciprocal state. If you are shifting to one of those, you have to take your licensing course all over again as per their rules.

  • Partial Reciprocity States

Partial reciprocity states are a mix of both. They offer full reciprocity to some states, no reciprocity to some states, and some degree of reciprocity to some states only after meeting specific criteria.

If the state you are moving to is a partial reciprocity state and you are lucky, you may get full or limited reciprocity. Or you might have to take the entire course all over again.

Real Estate License Portability

The term license portability is kind of self-explanatory. If you still don’t understand, let me break it down for you. It simply means if your license is portable or not. In other words, real estate license portability laws regulate how out-of-state agents should contact businesses in a respective state.

License portability and license reciprocity are different, although they might seem identical. Reciprocity law dictates what formalities an already licensed agent needs to go through to acquire a license in the new state. License portability law determines to what extent a licensed agent shall conduct business in another state.

There are three types of states concerning license portability. They are physical location states, cooperative states, and turf states. Let’s see a bit more of them below:

  • Physical Location States

If you have a potential client in a different state, physical location states allow you to conduct business but you cannot be physically present within the respective state. This is the sweet spot between cooperative states and turf states.

You can show your client the property, brief him about it or other procedures, but from outside the state. You can carry out the entire procedure from showing your client the property to closing the deal as long as you are physically present in the state you are licensed in.

  • Cooperative States

Cooperative states are what you want as a real estate agent. These states allow you to conduct business as a real estate agent, as long as you are licensed to any state. You can do what any real estate agent can do in that particular state. Showing your client the property, making offers and sales, etc. you can do all that being physically present in the alien state.

You might think that if a state is cooperative in terms of portability, why would you need to get a new license? Or why would you be bothered with all the reciprocity laws, and whatnot. Here is the catch, practicing with your current license in a cooperative state is not a permanent solution.

Meaning, you can conduct your activities maybe once or twice, or make a few sales. But if you want to permanently shift to a particular state, you will have to acquire a license from that state. That’s where reciprocity law comes in.

  • Turf States

Turf states do not allow any business by outside agents. Not physically or virtually. The only way to work in a turf state is to refer your client to a local agent. Or you can get a license there depending on their reciprocity laws.


So, now you know whether or not can you transfer a real estate license from state to state. As a real estate agent, knowing how to transfer your real estate license to another state will give your work more fluidity. You will be able to work all over the country without getting into any legal trouble. I hope this article was able to help you with your queries. Thanks for tuning in.

Real Estate License Portability by State and Reciprocity Matrix

If you need to take a real estate license because a state does not allow reciprocity, you can check out our real estate school site to select a class.

Online Continuing Education

Updated July 2021

No matter which state you’re moving from, consider yourself lucky if you’re moving to one of these five full license reciprocity states:

  • Alabama
  • Colorado
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Virginia

Alabama Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent may enter Alabama to work on a transaction as long as they enter into a cooperative arrangement with an Alabama licensee. The out-of-state real estate agent will need to submit to the jurisdiction of Alabama courts. Co-brokerage agreement must be written and filed with the local real estate commission in order for commissions to be paid to the out-of-state real estate agent’s brokerage.

Alabama Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Alabama real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Oregon
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Alaska Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may not enter Alaska to work on a transaction, but may receive a brokerage commission from an Alaska licensee for co-brokering with an Alaska licensee in actions for which an Alaska license is required.

Alaska Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Alaska real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Arizona Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can enter into a written co-brokerage agreement with an Arizona licensee, in which the out-of-state real estate agent must agree to submit to Arizona law. The cooperating Arizona licensee assumes responsibility for acts of the out-of-state real estate agent. All negotiations in Arizona or with Arizona property owners are conducted through an Arizona licensee, and all funds are handled in accordance with Arizona law. An out-of-state real estate agent can collect a commission via their broker.

Arizona Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Arizona real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Arkansas Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission as long as all licensed activities relating to the sale of the property are performed in state by an Arkansas licensee. An out-of-state real estate agent cannot perform any services in Arkansas, but can participate remotely as long as they are physically in the state they are licensed in. An out-of-state real estate agent can collect a commission via their broker.

Arkansas Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Arkansas real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Arkansas: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington, and West Virginia.

California Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can perform no real estate acts while physically in California. An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a referral fee or share a commission if they are in a co-brokerage agreement with a California licensee.

California Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a California real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Colorado Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent may share in a commission earned on a Colorado transaction provided that the out-of-state real estate agent cooperates with a Colorado licensee, and provided that all advertising, negotiations, contracting, and conveyancing done in Colorado must be performed in the name of the Colorado broker, and provided that all money collected from the parties to the transaction shall be deposited in the name of the co-broker.

Colorado Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Colorado real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Minnesota
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Virginia    
  • Washington

Connecticut Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can collect a commission for commercial real estate transactions only. Additionally, the following requirements must be met: An out-of-state real estate agent must cooperate with a licensed Connecticut broker; they must provide proof of license, and handle escrow funds according to Connecticut law. All advertising in Connecticut must reference in-state cooperating brokers only.

Connecticut Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Connecticut real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Rhode Island
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Connecticut: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Rhode Island

Delaware Real Estate License Portability

Category: Turf

Delaware prohibits the provision of licensed real estate services within the state without a Delaware license.

Delaware Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Delaware real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Florida Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can negotiate and submit offers on behalf of clients for property within the state of Florida, but is strictly prohibited from doing so located anywhere other than in their home state. (There are conflicting and contradictory statutes on this topic.)

Florida Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Florida real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Florida: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Rhode Island

Georgia Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent must enter into a written co-brokerage agreement with a Georgia licensee. The agreement must specify the commission split arrangement between the parties and what must apply to a specific property as specified in the agreement. The Georgia licensee is responsible for supervising the out-of-state real estate agent.

Georgia Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Georgia real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Illinois
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New Hampshire
  •     New Mexico
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     North Dakota
  •     Oregon
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     South Carolina
  •     Utah
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Georgia: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from any state except Florida

Hawaii Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent cannot perform any work within Hawaii. They may receive a commission from a Hawaii licensee via their broker as long as the out-of-state licensee performs no functions physically within the state.

Hawaii Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Hawaii real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Idaho Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can enter the state, but only for the purpose of accompanying their client and an Idaho licensee to the property. An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a cooperative commission from an Idaho licensee but cannot list, show, or inspect a property in Idaho, nor advertise within the state.

Idaho Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Idaho real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Idaho: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Wyoming, Oregon, and Montana

Illinois Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission with an Illinois licensee, but cannot perform any of the actions related to the sale within Illinois.

Illinois Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Illinois real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     Wisconsin

Illinois: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

Indiana Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can enter into a cooperative agreement with an Indiana licensee for acts related to commercial real estate only. A cooperative agreement requires an out-of-state real estate agent to work closely with an Indiana licensee and must file a consent to jurisdiction with the Indiana Real Estate Commission.

Indiana Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Indiana real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     Wisconsin

Indiana: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin

Iowa Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may receive part of a commission or fee from an Iowa broker. The out-of-state real estate agent cannot participate in any of the activities in Iowa that require an Iowa broker’s license. Comments from Real Estate Commission officials indicate that an out-of-state real estate agent may enter the state and act in an advisory role, but not officially perform licensed services within the state.

Iowa Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Iowa real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Minnesota
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     North Dakota
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Iowa: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia

Kansas Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can enter into a co-brokerage agreement with a Kansas supervising broker for purposes of a commercial real estate transaction only. The agreement requirements include: 1) a written agreement; 2) consent from the out-of-state real estate agent to submit to the jurisdiction of the Kansas Real Estate Commission; 3) any escrowed funds shall be held exclusively with Kansas supervising broker; and 4) a filed agreement with Kansas Real Estate Commission.

Kansas Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Kansas real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Kentucky Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent may render licensed services on a commercial or residential real estate transaction in cooperation with a Kentucky licensed real estate agent based on a written cooperation agreement and under a local licensed broker’s supervision.

Kentucky Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Kentucky real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     South Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Louisiana Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can receive commissions from a Louisiana licensee if a valid cooperation agreement is entered into between the parties, which includes the Louisiana broker providing supervision over the out-of-state real estate agent. In order to conduct any transaction, the aforementioned cooperative agreement must be filed with the state of Louisiana’s real estate commission.

Louisiana Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Louisiana real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New Mexico
  •     North Carolina
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Louisiana: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Iowa

Maine Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission with a Maine licensee for a transaction if the licensed services performed by the out-of-state real estate agent are done so outside the state of Maine, supervised and verified by their supervising broker.

Maine Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Maine real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     New Hampshire
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Maryland Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a temporary license from the Commission for specific commercial real estate transactions only. The out-of-state real estate agent must file a license application with the state of Maryland’s Real Estate Commission, listing all salespeople who will work on the transaction, as well as consent to jurisdiction in the state. The out-of-state real estate agent must agree to enter into a cooperative arrangement with a Maryland broker specifying commission amounts as well, delineating responsibility as well as the specification of the property in question.

Maryland Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Maryland real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Maryland: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Pennsylvania and Oklahoma

Massachusetts Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

Massachusetts would not prevent a Massachusetts licensee from paying part of a commission to an out-of-state real estate agent as long as the out-of-state real estate agent performed no licensed services within the state. (The law is unclear on specifics beyond this.)

Massachusetts Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Massachusetts real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New Hampshire
  •     New Mexico
  •     New York
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     Rhode Island
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Massachusetts: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington

Michigan Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent is entitled to a commission from a Michigan licensee on a specific transaction as long as the out-of-state real estate agent doesn’t conduct any negotiations within the state of Michigan. (Michigan law is unclear as to whether an out-of-state real estate agent can enter the state of Michigan for other real estate purposes.)

Michigan Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Michigan real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Minnesota Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a commission split from a Minnesota licensee as long as no real estate work whatsoever is performed within the state of Minnesota.

Minnesota Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Minnesota real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     North Dakota
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Minnesota: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

Mississippi Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent cannot act within the transaction state except with the cooperation of a Mississippi broker. Whenever an out-of-state real estate agent enters into a written cooperative agreement with a Mississippi broker, the Mississippi broker shall file (within 10 days of execution of the agreement) a copy with the state of Mississippi’s real estate commission.

When the out-of-state real estate agent signs this agreement, they agree to abide by Mississippi law, and the rules and regulations of the committee. Further, the showing of the property and negotiations pertaining to the transaction shall be supervised by the Mississippi broker.

Mississippi Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Mississippi real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Utah
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Missouri Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent may render licensed services only in a commercial real estate transaction, and after executing a cooperative brokerage agreement with a Missouri broker. The out-of-state real estate agent must also consent to Missouri jurisdiction for litigation and disciplinary matters.

Missouri Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Missouri real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Nebraska
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Montana Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission with a Montana licensee, but cannot perform licensed services within the transaction state.

Montana Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Montana real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Idaho
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Nebraska Real Estate License Portability

Category: Turf

In order to perform real estate services in the state of Nebraska, you need a Nebraska real estate license.

Nebraska Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Nebraska real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Florida
  •     Illinois
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Minnesota
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Oregon
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Nebraska: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming

Nevada Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can perform work in the state, but first must obtain a “certificate of cooperation” from the state real estate commission. The out-of-state real estate agent can also receive a referral fee from Nevada licensee if no work is performed.

Nevada Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Nevada real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Nevada: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia

New Hampshire Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent may perform real estate acts and services with the state of New Hampshire as long as they follow the laws and guidelines of real estate in New Hampshire. They also must agree to co-brokerage any transaction with a New Hampshire licensed realtor.

New Hampshire Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a New Hampshire real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

New Hampshire: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Tennessee, and Georgia

New Jersey Real Estate License Portability

Category: Turf

An out-of-state real estate agent is only eligible to receive a referral fee for client introductions.

New Jersey Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a New Jersey real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

New Mexico Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

A co-brokerage agreement specific to a particular property must be in place between an out-of-state real estate agent and licensed New Mexico real estate agent. All negotiations must be done under the supervision of the New Mexico real estate agent’s broker, and all funds pertaining to the acquisition of the subject property must be held in escrow in a New Mexico bank, being placed there by the supervising New Mexico brokerage.

New Mexico Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a New Mexico real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

New York Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can conduct any and all business related to real estate they choose as long as they are doing so remotely and from the state they are licensed in.

New York Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a New York real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Pennsylvania
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

New York: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia

North Carolina Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent shall be issued a temporary real estate license in the state of North Carolina for the purposes of conducting a specific commercial real estate transaction only. The out-of-state real estate agent must co-broker their transaction with a licensed North Carolina agent in good standing with their local board.

North Carolina Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a North Carolina real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

North Carolina: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia

North Dakota Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can enter the state and perform licensed services. They are not allowed to list property for sale without a co-listing agreement with a licensed North Dakota Realtor. North Dakota’s cooperation with out-of-state Realtors also depends on whether the out-of-state’s originating state also provides a similar level of real estate license portability.

North Dakota Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a North Dakota real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Iowa
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Minnesota
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Caroline
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

North Dakota: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, and Tennessee

Ohio Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can perform work on a transaction involving commercial real estate only as long as the out-of-state real estate agent enters into a written agreement with Ohio broker; files consent to jurisdiction in Ohio; furnishes a certificate of good standing in home state to Ohio broker; and all funds received are deposited in the Ohio broker’s escrow account.

Ohio Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Ohio real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Ohio: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wyoming

Oklahoma Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission with the Oklahoma licensee as long as all licensed services for which the out-of-state real estate agent receives compensation are performed in the out-of-state real estate agent’s state of licensure.

Oklahoma Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Oklahoma real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Maryland
  •     Minnesota
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Oklahoma: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota Oregon: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Georgia, Nebraska, and South Dakota

Oregon Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can perform work on a “nonresidential real estate” transaction (defined as property that has or could have commercial development or a property with five or more residential units) in Oregon if the out-of-state real estate agent enters into a written cooperative agreement with an Oregon licensee. The cooperative agreement must be in writing and must state the Oregon licensee will supervise all activities conducted in Oregon. Oregon licensees must be present for all showings and negotiations conducted in Oregon.

Oregon Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with an Oregon real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Idaho
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Pennsylvania Real Estate License Portability

Category: Turf

An out-of-state real estate agent may receive a referral fee from Pennsylvania licensee; otherwise, a Pennsylvania license is required to receive a commission or part of a commission.

Pennsylvania Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Pennsylvania real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Louisiana
  •     Maine
  •     Maryland
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

Pennsylvania: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and West Virginia

Rhode Island Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can share a commission with a Rhode Island licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent does not conduct any negotiations within the state.

Rhode Island Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Rhode Island real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Connecticut
  •     Florida
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Rhode Island: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Connecticut and Massachusetts

South Carolina Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may split a commission with a South Carolina licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent does not conduct any negotiations while physically within the state.

South Carolina Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a South Carolina real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington
  •     West Virginia

South Carolina: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from North Carolina, Georgia, and West Virginia

South Dakota Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may split a commission with a South Dakota licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent does not conduct any negotiations while physically within the state.

South Dakota Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a South Dakota real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Arkansas
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Minnesota
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Oklahoma
  •     Oregon
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Tennessee Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent is entitled to a portion of a commission split with a Tennessee licensee as long as no negotiating on behalf of clients occurred in the state of Tennessee. An out-of-state real estate agent is entitled to enter the state and attend showings and view property, but only while accompanied by a Tennessee licensee.

Tennessee Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Tennessee real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Tennessee: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia

Texas Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may split a commission with a Texas licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent doesn’t conduct any of the activities related to the transaction in Texas.

(However, the state of Texas defines official communication regarding the sale or purchase of real estate with anybody who resides in Texas to be in-state communication, regardless of the out-of-state real estate agent’s physical location. As such, this appears to be a de facto Turf relationship, though the statutes don’t spell it explicitly as such.)

Texas Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Texas real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Utah Real Estate License Portability

Category: Turf

A Utah license is required in order to receive any compensation for real estate activities in the state.

Utah Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Utah real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Utah: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Georgia and Mississippi

Vermont Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent may share a commission with a Vermont licensee. However, they are not permitted to perform any licensed services in the state. An out-of-state real estate agent may observe brokerage services in Vermont and advise while they are in their home state.

Vermont Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Vermont real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New Hampshire
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Virginia Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a referral fee or share a commission with a Virginia licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent does not physically enter the state to perform licensed services.

Virginia Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Virginia real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     Nevada
  •     North Carolina
  •     Washington

Washington Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent with a broker designation can perform work in Washington for commercial property only as long as the out-of-state real estate agent (broker) enters into a written agreement with a Washington broker. This agreement shall include the following stipulations: name of the Washington broker on all advertising, consent to jurisdiction in Washington, and providing all transaction records to the Washington broker. The out-of-state real estate agent’s (broker’s) salespeople can also work in the state as long as their broker has met the requirements of the Washington statute, and the out-of-state real estate agent salespeople provide a copy of their license to the Washington broker.

Washington Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Washington real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia

West Virginia Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

West Virginia’s statutes expressly prohibit the performance of licensed real estate services by individuals not licensed in West Virginia. However, it does not expressly forbid these services to be performed remotely and from a state where an out-of-state real estate agent is licensed. (Because the law doesn’t specifically allow this activity—just doesn’t forbid it—it is unclear whether or not a suit for commission would hold up in court.)

West Virginia Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a West Virginia real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Massachusetts
  •     Mississippi
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     New York
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Oklahoma
  •     South Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

West Virginia: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia

Wisconsin Real Estate License Portability

Category: Physical Location

An out-of-state real estate agent can split a commission with a Wisconsin licensee for services provided while the out-of-state real estate agent is physically in the state they are licensed.

Wisconsin Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Wisconsin real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Minnesota
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington

Wisconsin: Offers license reciprocity for agents moving from Illinois and Indiana

Wyoming Real Estate License Portability

Category: Cooperative

An out-of-state real estate agent can receive a commission split from a Wyoming licensee as long as the out-of-state real estate agent conducts no negotiations within Wyoming for the transaction. (Case law allows out-of-state real estate agents to enter Wyoming and work on transactions as long as they do not conduct negotiations within the state.)

Wyoming Real Estate License Reciprocity

Active Licensees that are in good standing with a Wyoming real estate license can obtain a new real estate license via a reciprocity agreement with the following states:

  •     Alabama
  •     Alaska
  •     Colorado
  •     Delaware
  •     Georgia
  •     Idaho
  •     Kansas
  •     Kentucky
  •     Maine
  •     Missouri
  •     Nebraska
  •     North Carolina
  •     Ohio
  •     Virginia
  •     Washington


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