The real estate game is lucrative, but it can get a little complicated; for the buyer and the seller both. Real estate agents earn mostly through commission splits and this comes with many conditions. These conditions can vary from company to company. 

Agents represent a firm and the buyers pay these brokers or firms directly. The agent is simply there as a sales representative but do not underestimate the agent’s role.

Since the agent does most of the grunt work, after the sale has been completed, Century 21 splits the commission 50/50 with the agent. If you want to learn more on what is century 21’s commission split for agents then give this article a full read.

If you are an agent looking to collaborate with a broker, it is best to understand how the payout works, which broker has more leads and who pays the most. 

How does it work?

First off, you should know that it is forbidden for a registered agent to receive any payment directly from the buyer. Which is why, it is important to be in partnership with a firm or registered broker. Brokers are responsible for their agents and their conduct in the profession. They hold on to the agents’ licenses so they can assure optimum service. 

The broker in question will usually have a fee for their services of selling the house or property. This fee, or commission, is then split between the broker and the agents involved. 

How do real estate agents earn?

Real estate agents help you out whether you are selling your property or looking to buy a new one. Sometimes, the same agent could help both the buyer and the seller; in which case we call it ‘dual agency’. As you already know, the fee for the agent’s service is paid to the agent’s firm or broker who provided the listing. This fee is then shared with the buying agent. 

Suppose a house is being sold at a hundred thousand dollars at a 6% commission rate. Both brokers would receive half of the commission. And then these brokers will split the received amount with their respective agents. So this should explain why it is more beneficial to opt for dual agency for all parties involved.

Who pays the agent?

Alright, but we still do not know how the agent gets his big payout. Who is supposed to pay the selling agent for his services? Some might expect that it is the broker who pays the agent. That is a misconception. If anything, the broker gets paid because of the agent’s hard work.

This payment is usually discussed between the seller and the agent once the listing has been confirmed. Hence, it is easier to include the charge in the total price of the home to make things easier for all parties involved. 

When do they receive their commission?

This question has a very straightforward answer: as soon as the sale is made. The agents only receive payment once all the paperwork is signed, sent, and settled. 

This ensures that there is no room for fraud or inconsistencies. The broker has access to the money once the house is finally handed off and the clients are satisfied. It also means that there is an active incentive for the agent to work hard and please the clients. 

What about Century 21?

Century 21 is a name we are all familiar with, if not from benches and billboards then at least from the beginning of this article. They are essentially a brokerage firm which connects people who want to buy and sell their houses or properties. 

Century 21 has made quite a name for themselves thanks to their superb agents, who flock to this company due to their lucrative commission schemes. 

Why choose Century 21 as an agent? 

  • A starting agent at Century 21 gets a flat 50-50 commission split, which is a great rate for beginners. And with experience and rising success rates, this percentage increases. This means, the longer you stay and the higher your sales, the more you earn.  (Click Here to compare this to Keller Williams)
  • On top of that, there are no desk fees which means agents are not bound by the firm until their first sale. Companies with Desk fees usually require an agent to pay out of pocket before their first sale or commission. 
  • This is where Century 21 is better than other firms for agents. Because their only charge from the agent is an 8% fee for the franchise, which is paid during a confirmed sale.
  • Century 21 is perfect for aspiring real estate agents because they can make a great first impression. An agent who has a legitimate and renowned firm representing them appears more confident and reliable. 
  • Century 21 has a high level of recognition and confidence in their work and process. They get listings of all values, which are perfect to kick start, your real estate career. 
  • Founded in 1961, Century 21 is almost synonymous with real estate business in the greater New York area. Ensuring that their business booms all around the year. 
  • An agent starting out can join Century 21 and avoid any major expenses upfront. 
  • The company respects pedigree and traditions, but it does not neglect the newer generation. They have evolved in branding; they market to millennials and even win awards for the inclusion and diversity in their staff. 
  • Agents are allowed their freedom, which lets their creativity thrive. 
  • There are training programs and many other perks within the company for the agents. This helps develop and groom new agents, as well as keeping the older ones sharp. 
  • Century 21 provides specific health care packages for its employees.
  • The company also has several insurance plans and options that are made to benefit you. 

How Do You Choose a Broker?

As a newbie, there are a few things to remember before you choose the firm or broker to work with. Any Agent looking to build a career in real estate needs to keep these things in mind before committing themselves to an agency.


Check out employee reviews before you commit to a firm. You do not want to sign a contract without proper research. Go on the internet and search for employee reviews on LinkedIn and other similar sites before making a calculated decision. 


As a newbie, it is important that you receive training and support from your broker. So, you should go for the agency that provides you with the proper grooming. If you are just embarking on your journey to being a real estate agent, you need to recognize your shortcomings and compensate for them.


Leads are the most important factor for a real estate agent. It is essential, if not mandatory, to choose the firm with the most leads.

Commission Split

Commissions are your total salary. This is the bread and butter and number one priority for an agent when choosing the broker. Obviously, go for the firm that has the highest commission split for agents instead of brokers. 


You want to choose a firm that has made its mark in the industry. A well-known and experienced broker will most likely have more clients and stronghold in their community. A realtor needs to have the right listing and appear as an expert to the client. 


Hope this answers your question “What is Century 21’s Commission Split for Agents?” They have great access in the community which means they have great leads.

Their commission split may be a little traditional, but they more than make up for it with additional perks and employee benefits. Hopefully this article has helped.

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